The ReCAAP ISC Focal Point Senior Officers’ Meeting 2016 was held on 25- 26 Oct 16 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The Meeting was supported by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Kingdom of Cambodia, which is also the agency appointed as the ReCAAP Focal Point for Cambodia. The Meeting provided a platform for the ReCAAP Focal Points/Contact Point to share knowledge on recent incidents, latest situation and best practices, and to strengthen the information sharing network. A roadmap on the Future of the ReCAAP ISC to become a “Centre of Excellence” for Information Sharing was also discussed.
Apart from presentations by the ReCAAP Focal Points, guest speakers from Indian Coast Guard, Indonesia Gadjah Mada University, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), and Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) were invited to share their views and knowledge. Interesting and enlightening sharing included UNCLOS in relation to piracy and armed robbery; enforcement, prosecution and evidence preservations; thoughts on the past, present and future of ReCAAP; and concerns from Asian shipowners with regards to the latest piracy and armed robbery situation.

Through the conduct of this meeting, the working relationship between the ReCAAP ISC and the ReCAAP Focal Points/Contact Point were further strengthened and enhanced for better cooperation in the suppression of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia.